Vocational Services
Vocational Services are provided out of our Bangor Office.
Career Exploration
Career exploration is a service MVRA provides to individuals to help them determine career choices.
This service is utilized for individuals who are uncertain what type of employment or industry they may enjoy and succeed in. Our Certified Employment Specialists are trained to help individuals identify their employment interests, strengths, and abilities. MVRA will then utilize their various contacts in the community of the individual's choice and arrange opportunities to visit a potential work site to get a hands on experience of a particular jobs duties. This will help the individual make informed employment choices. |
Long-Term SupportSupported employment is a regular job in the community with the ongoing supports (usually job coaching) to help individuals keep the job. It is designed for persons who, because of a significant disability, are expected to need supports for as long as they remain employed. The amount of support an individual would receive on a daily or weekly basis will depend on the individual's particular needs.
DVR is able to provide these services only on a time-limited basis. Because people who are in supported employment will need long-term supports, plans must be made for who will provide the job coaching or other supports after DVR services are finished. In fact, the law requires that these plans be made before someone starts in supported employment. Therefore, it is very important that individuals work with their counselor to apply for other services that may be available to provide the ongoing support after the DVR services are completed. Examples of resources that may be available to provide these ongoing supports are the Department of Health & Human Services, Social Security Impairment-Related Work Expenses, The Bureau of Rehabilitation’s Basic and Brain Injury Extended Support Funds, natural supports from an employer and family support. |
If you have any questions please contact our Bangor Office:
Beth Archer
1010 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 990-1666
(207) 990-1688 (Fax)
Beth Archer
1010 Stillwater Ave.
Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 990-1666
(207) 990-1688 (Fax)